Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Best Practices for Network Security is the Topic Essay

Best Practices for Network Security is the Topic - Essay Example In the absence of security policy, the availability of network for individuals and organizations can be compromised. It is important for users of networks to develop a sound security strategy, which involves paying close attention to the reality of internet speed, changes in technology and other realities of the technology world. Users need to know how and what to ensure network security (Convery, 2004). Individuals and organizations ought to take security management, planning, the design of procedures, and policy development in order to protect themselves from compromised security. Due to rapid technological advancements, network security is faced with new challenges frequently and this can significantly compromise the privacy and security of users. Therefore, it is important for organizations and individuals to meet the challenges of network and computer security by adopting best practices (Pauzet, 2011). In order to have an understanding of network security, this paper will discus s the best practices for network security. The first best practice for network security is the creation of usage policy statements. It is important for organizations and other users to create usage policy statements outlining the roles and responsibilities of users with respect to security. The starting point should by the establishment of a general policy that covers all data and network systems within the company (Juels and Oprea, 2013). Such a policy should outline the general user community with the security policy understanding, its aims, and guidelines to improve their security practices, as well as the definitions of their responsibilities to security. Along with the creation of usage policy statements, a company should create a partner acceptable use statement providing partners with an understanding of the information that they have, the conduct of the company’s employees, and the expected disposition of the information available to them. It is important for the comp any to describe explicitly any particular acts that have been noted as security attacks and the punitive actions that will be meted in an event of detection of security attack (Pearce, Zeadally, and Hunt, 2013). The final aspect in this regard is the establishment of an administrator acceptable use statement in explaining the rules and procedures for privilege review, policy enforcement, and user account administration. In an event that a company has particular policies regarding the handling of data or user passwords, it should present those policies clearly (Dey et al, 2012). The second best practice for network security is delivering corporate security training and awareness. Since it is the responsibility of all employees to ensure network security is achieved, it is important that they should be educated about the acceptable and responsible usage of networks and other corporate resources. There is need to train them on network security including aspects of password policies. Th ey should be invited to training sessions on network security after a certain duration of time (Liska, 2003). During these sessions, employees should receive training about the do and don’ts of various network and computer usage that may compromise network security. For example, they can be taught about what they should do or not do in instant messaging.  

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Storm Drainage Design Project Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Storm Drainage Design Project Study - Essay Example As we go along this course work ,we will be able to understand what hydrographs are. The graphs above are the results of the Cynon river study data. The study took 4 days to finish nonstop. The measurements of the river height and the discharge are done every hour for 96 hours. The rainfall was plotted using the bar graph and the discharge was plotted using the line graph. In the analysis of the rainfall, you will notice that the rainfall is fluctuating. It is not as though there is a steady rise in the rainfall. The line graph shows the rise of discharge of water in the river, As the rainfall increases, the discharge also increases. The graph satisfy the components of a hydrograph. From the start of the study, you will notice that there is almost a steady flow of water in the river. That means that there is no increase in rainfall. At the start of the 44th hour, the water start to rise. This part of the graph is called the rising limb. This is the part of a hydrograph when water rises too the point of peak discharge. After it reached the peak point, the water stars to recede and this part is called the falling limb or the receding limb. This part denotes that rainfall is finally over and that the accumulated water in the river starts to stabilize again. The part of a hydrograph that is the highest point is called the peak discharge.. this is when there is the greatest amount of water in the river. The lag time is the period of time taking place between the peak rainfall and peak discharge. Computations By the application of the Manning's Formula, we will be able to get the value of breadth b of the open channel with the following data Channel design Given Data Q = 1.0 m3/s n = 0.012 S = 1/2000 = 0.0005 d = 0.5 Formula to be used V = where: v = velocity Q = Av R = Hydraulic Radius Q = A S = slope A = bd n = Manning's coefficient R = Q = discharge Computations: A = db = 0.5(b) Q = A R = 1.0 = 0.5b 1.(0.012) = 0.5b 0.012 = 0.5b = 0.5 0.5429 = 0.5 = 1.0858 = (1.0858)3 = b3 1.2801 = 1.2801 = 1.2801 (1.0 + 2b + b2) = 0.25b5 1.2801 + 2.5602b + 1.2801b2 = 0.25b5 1.2801 + 2.5602b + 1.2801b2 - 0.25b5 = 0 b = 2.2104 m. The value of depth of the river is also needed in order to solve for the value of the discharge of water in the river. The acquired value for depth will help us acquire the value fro the cross-sectional area of the river. In that way, we will be able to solve for the value of the discharge on the river. Computations; Q = Av where: A = cross-sectional area v = velocity = 4.0 m/s A = bd b = 15 m. A = 15(d) R = R = v = v = 4.0 = 4.0(0.012) ==2.1719 =(2.1719)3 =10.2451 =10.2451(225 + 60d + 4d2) = 225d2 2,305.1475+ 614.7069d + 40.9804d2 = 225d2 2,305.1475+ 614.7069d + 40.9804d2 - 225d2 = 0 2,305.1475 + 614.7069d + 1 84.0196d2 = 0 By quadratic equation; solve for the